Tuesday 7 February 2012

Just to let you all know, that I've been adding lots more new Miniature Links to this page.
As there are now hundreds of Mini sellers on Ebay & Etsy, I have split them into two sections. Ebay sellers are now on the left of the blog and Etsy on the right. I'm still in the process of sorting the links out, so you may still see some Ebay links in with the Etsy ones.
If I've missed anyone and you'd like to have your blog or site listed, either email me, there's a link on my profile page or leave a message in the comments. Thank you to everyone that's already contacted me to add their links..
My main blog is over here:- Tiny Treasures, please pop over and say Hello..


Carolina Gonzalez said...

I would like to change a blog address - from A Pagan Dollhouse (http://apagandollhouse.wordpress.com/) on your Miniature Blogs section to Ashe Dolls - http://ashedolls.blogspot.com/

Thanks so much for all your work!
Carolina Gonzalez

Plushpussycat said...

Hi Debbie! Thanks for keeping this updated--what a lovely resource! By the way, my blog is listed here as "Plush Pussy Cat," but actually, my blog is one word, with a capital P: "Plushpussycat." I think the way you have it could be bringing some spam your way! ;-) Plus, I love to see my blog spelled consistently throughout the web. Could you be so kind as to change it to Plushpussycat? Thanks in advance! :-) Jennifer

valbuenaminiaturas said...


Thahk you very much
Muchas gracias!!!!!

Jennifer said...

You have one of my blogs on the list but could you add my shops?

Thank you!


Mins said...

Hi Debbie,

I am very new to 'blogville' and would love it if you could add my blog to your list!

My blog is: http://miniaturistsworkshop.blogspot.com.au/

Many thanks and keep up the great work - this is such a valuable resource for all interested in this wonderful hobby!

Mins xxx

petitemoonbeams.blogspot.com said...

Can I get my blog up on this site? It's new and I'm trying to build a following.




minifleur said...

Hi Debbie,
What a comphrensive list of talent and resources! I would love to be included please
and my website
Thank you, kind regards,

Carolina Gonzalez said...

Folk Island Dolls - Carolina Gonzalez

Blog: http://folkislanddolls.wordpress.com/

Thanks so much for the work you do!

Fabiola said...

My blog:

My web site:

Bye, Faby

Warren Barnard said...

Hi Debbie, what a great resource. Could you please add my blog and shop to your listing


Thanks for all the effort


www.beauxminis.com said...

Hi...Love your blog and your amazing reference site.
Would love to be in your reference as a website/blog, online shop and Etsy Shop.
Thank you

Debbie said...

Unfortunately I am unable to edit the lists for some reason, Blogger won't allow it.

Debbie said...
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